CEOs Waste 18 Hours Per Week in Low Quality Meetings

The Harvard Business Review states 72% of a CEO’s time is spent in meetings. At LUMINI, our members grade the quality of every CEO meeting. Recent data suggests up to half of these meetings are a waste of time. This suggests CEOs have an opportunity to save 18 hours per week.
Want to find out how much time you are wasting in unnecessary meetings?
The LUMINI Meeting Report Card is a self-assessment for executives, and their assistants. When used consistently, executives can quality control their meetings in perpetuity.
This does not mean meetings cannot be creative, fun, and meaningful. However, when you start to rate the Quality of every meeting, behavior shifts happen. For instance:
A meeting grade of A is an exceptional meeting. This is to say the meeting was:
* Required
* The proper length.
* With the right person(s) who were well prepared
* Agenda driven
* Concluded when the objective was met and the follow up was agreed to.
In contrast, I have heard from many CEOs’ that a lot of their meetings are:
* Unnecessary
* A waste of precious time
* With the wrong people who were not prepared
* Void of an agenda
* Concluded with nothing having been accomplished
LUMINI would rate the above meeting an F.
You may be saying to yourself, “Not all my meetings are horrible…”.
What I discovered was that many of my meetings were Bs’, Cs’, and Ds’. They were optional, too long, had partial agendas and outcomes were not clear. Many of them also had too many people in them who were partially prepared. Some should not have been there at all, including myself.
A simple text after each meeting, to your Executive Assistant, with an A-F Rating is the answer.
Your EA would aggregate the meeting grades at the end of each week. They would provide a simple meeting report card to you covering:
* Average meeting grade for the week
* Top 3 and bottom 3 meetings for the week
* A concise set of recommended changes for the upcoming week
Do this for 3 weeks in a row and you will never go back.
If you would like to implement this efficiently, contact Jackie Ludwig at [email protected]. Jackie can schedule a time for us to chat.
Best wishes: Sean Magennis